Monday, August 13, 2007

Quest 1: I've Blasted Off with Tech Trek 2.0!

Well, I've just finished Quest 1 and watched the 7 1/2 habits of highly successful lifelong learners. I am a believer in lifelong learning...which is obvious to anyone who knows me. I went to Graduate School almost 20 years after completing my Bachelor's degree! I love to learn new things.

The hardest of the 7 1/2 habits for me is Habit 3: View Problems as Challenges. I don't always see problems as learning opportunities. It's more normal for me to see problems as obstacles--at least at first. After the initial panic subsides and I can think more clearly, I can see the challenges in the problems.

The easiest of the 7 1/2 habits for me is Habit 7 1/2! PLAY! But finding time to play is sometimes a problem...or do I mean a challenge?! Habit 4: Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competent, Effective Learner is also fairly easy for me. I was a good student and enjoyed learning from a young age.

I'm really excited about learning more fun skills during Tech Trek 2.0!

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