Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Quest 2: To Blog or Not to Blog...that is the ?

I wasn't sure that I would like blogging at first. I tend to keep my inner most thoughts to myself--I've never kept a diary. So "opening up" in an open medium like a blog is new to me. I find it kind of exciting but also somewhat scary! I don't expect I'll disclose my deep, dark secrets here, but I might just throw out an opinion or thought...or two!
I recently went to Beaufort, SC to visit some close friends and to see the Beaufort Big Swim. The Big Swim is 31 mermaids scattered around the town and decorated in a wide variety of ways. If you want to learn more, check out this website: http://www.beaufortcountyarts.com/mermaidsplash.html
Here's one of my favorite mermaids, Miss LaTina Princess of Tides:

She is holding a mirror and looking at herself--This mermaid is covered in mirrors and cool blue tiles.

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