Saturday, August 25, 2007

AP Poll: 1 in 4 Read No Books in Past Year!

Here's the link to the AP story from Yahoo! News. Can this be true? Sad to say, but I can believe it. While I find myself in a panic if I'm not reading at least one book at all times (and numerous magazines, too), I know many Americans don't feel the same way I do. I must have 50 or more books at home (mostly paperbacks that I've bought at FOL sales, yard sales or the Book Exchange) just waiting for me to find the time to read them. It brings me comfort to know that I'll always have a selection of books nearby to browse when I'm finished with one.

It's no wonder I love working at the library! Books, books, everywhere!

The AP Poll consisted of telephone interviews with 1,003 adults and has a margin of sampling error of + or - 3 % points.

From the AP Poll article:

"People from the West and Midwest are more likely to have read at least one book in the past year. Southerners who do read, however, tend to read more books, mostly religious books and romance novels, than people from other regions. Whites read more than blacks and Hispanics, and those who said they never attend religious services read nearly twice as many as those who attend frequently."

1 comment:

I'm Agnes Pomata, and I'm unequivocally Liberal said...

High school aged boy and mom paused at the Circ Desk, and the boy said, "What's the true stuff, fiction or non-fiction?"
How sad is that???

I found your blog today and enjoyed it a lot.